Class 2432

Class 2432

Horse and Pony Section


Horse Committee
Committee: S Goldsmith, S Manning,  A Rogers (President) B Murray (Vice President), Brent Chamberlain (Junior Vice President), J Winter, L Peddie (Chairperson), H Grigg, N Walls, N Glassey
Past Presidents: N A Macfarlane, R Lemon, C J C Wright, J M Grigg, N Hutchinson, R Parkes, C Harris
Co-opted Committee: M Lang, P McIlraith, M Rebbeck, P Grenside,
A Thompson, E Newman,  L Morris, C Crosado, B Harris, W Ritchie, B Archer, S Shanks, N Hamburger, A Acton-Adams, A Butler, S Hazelwood, 

To be read in conjunction with General Conditions of the Canterbury A&P Association and the Royal Agricultural Society Equestrian Rule Book and Guidelines. Canterbury reserves the right to notify competitors before the Show to default to its own rules if circumstances require it to.
Horse Office: Located at the Halswell Pony Clubrooms
Showing Section: Breastplate numbers (black on white or white on black only) only at this Show. Hunter Jumping & Working Hunters: Back numbers will not be provided for these sections. Details on suitable suppliers are in the RTR Hunter section. 
All Horses/Ponies must have an identification name tag with contact details attached to their halters.


Cups and Trophies awarded in 2022 must arrive back to the office at Canterbury Agricultural Park by 19th September and must arrive back in a condition ready to be re-presented this year. The Association expect these trophies to be treated with the respect they deserve. 

Exhibitors must know their class numbers and times by checking the timetable included in the Catalogue in case of class time changes and be ready to enter the ring before their start time. Classes missed are the exhibitor’s responsibility. Late exhibitors will be excluded from the class. If the exhibitor is entered in multiple sections, the exhibitor must decide which class/section to compete in. No class or championship judging will be held up for delayed competitors.
(Unless otherwise stated): Members $12, All Non-members $28 (GST included). Ground Fees: $15 per horse. All other fees listed on relevant entry forms contained in the schedule.
(GST included): Family Annual Membership $180, Individual $90, Junior - FREE
NB: To claim membership rates on entry fees, all named parties in a partnership or lease must be members, including Junior riders.
RAS Rule GR4  Helmet Tags – please note new standards (yellow tag) as from 1 August 2023 -


a) In all cases current WorkSafe New Zealand rules prevail.
All riders, including harness drivers/with the exclusion of heavy horse (Clydesdale) working classes, competing at RAS affiliated A&P Shows/Events must wear protective headgear, which includes a retaining harness secured to the shell at more than two points. Such headgear must be worn with the chinstrap properly adjusted and fastened when in the arena or ring, the practice area, collecting rings or anywhere else within a Showgrounds or the grounds of an affiliated Event.
c)    Hats/helmets must conform with one of the current approved safety standards. These standards may be subject to change but the latest list can be found at – equestrian. RAS will advise any changes via their website and Facebook.
d)    All hats/helmets that conform as per c) must be identified by the current tag system implemented by NZPCA, ESNZ and RAS.
Dressage competitors please note that under Dressage NZ Rule 480 black or dark blue NZ Safety approved helmets with harness must be worn in all training, warm-ups and competitions.
Top hats and bowler hats may only be worn in competitions at Level 5 (Open Medium) and above, including the final warm-up and presentation. Note - Level 5 and above riders must wear a NZ Safety approved helmet prior to their final warm-up.

Whiskers and Inner Ear Trimming, rules as from 1 January 2022 -
Any alterations to Classes must be made to the Secretary by 29 October 2023. NO EXCEPTIONS, except Novice upgrading changes see H.9. Any class changes/scratchings etc. during the Show must be made to the Horse Secretary’s Office, located at the Halswell Pony Clubrooms.
Age is determined as from 1st August. Yearling - born since 31st July 2022
2    year old - born since 31st July 2021
3    year old - born since 31st July 2020
4    year old - born since 31st July 2019
H.2: OWNERSHIP & LEASES: RAS Rule ER 8K (2015). All entries must be made in the name of the bona fide owner of the exhibit, and such exhibits must have been the property of the Exhibitor at time of entry. The Association may require evidence of the date of sale of an exhibit. A bona fide owner shall include a PARTNERSHIP or LEASE that has been registered with the Royal Agricultural Society prior to closing of entries. A Lease must be for a term of not less than 6 months and shall commence on receipt of confirmation from the RAS that is has been received.
H.3: The Committee reserves the right to alter conditions, the order of events, or cancel/combine classes, entirely at its own discretion. If too many entries are received in any Class the Committee may ballot or otherwise reduce the number.
H.4: EQUESTRIAN LEVY: The Royal Agricultural Society of NZ has imposed a levy on each horse and pony entry at the NZ Agricultural Show for as long as the Canterbury A&P Association is a member of the RAS, which is paid at time of entry and included in the class fee ($1.25 per class).
H5: The General Committee of the Canterbury A&P Association reserves the right to recognise the refund of entry fees at a rate of 75% upon submission of a) a receipted entry form, b) a veterinary or doctor’s certificate, and c) a written explanation as to the reason for the request WITHIN SEVEN DAYS following the Show (no refunds will be considered after this period). The Association’s decision shall be final. No refunds under $20 will be made (except where grading affects the class, this includes boxes and yards).
H.7: Snaffle bits to be worn in all Novice classes with the exception of Novice Working Hunter classes.
Please note that a record of wins will be asked for. RAS Horse/Pony Certificates must be carried. Failure to do so will result in elimination. 
All wins in Novice Sections (excluding breed sections) within each division count and must be recorded. Should a Novice horse win an open conformation class, these wins must also be recorded. Once a horse has achieved 6 wins in either the conformation classes or paced and mannered classes, this horse is not eligible to return to Novice status should it change Sections at the beginning of a new Show season - excludes Lead Rein, First Ridden and Breed section wins.
A Novice is a Horse or Pony which has not won 6 firsts in conformation classes at any A&P Show, at the time of the Show. (Lady's and Gentlemen’s Hack class wins count as an Open Conformation Class up to 31 July 2023 only.)
Once a Horse or Pony has had 6 wins it is not eligible for Novice Classes. Number of wins is to be counted at time of Show not time of entry.
If a Novice entry has gained 6 wins by the day of the Show, the competitor must advise the Secretary’s office and may change to an Open class (if qualified) within the Sub-Section, or if no class remains to enter, a refund will be actioned after the Show.
A Novice in Paced and Mannered classes is a Horse or Pony which has not won 6 firsts in Paced and/or Mannered classes at an A&P Show at the time of the Show.
Novice Champions are not eligible for Open Championships unless they have won their Open Class, nor are they eligible for Supreme Award. Championship award does not count as a win.
Novices may enter Open Classes
Novice ponies may be ridden by riders of any age in Novice Classes only but not in Open Section where the stated age applies.
All A&P Show/Event results are collated at the Royal Agricultural Society Head Office to enable Secretaries to keep a record of all novice wins.
The riders name MUST be nominated at time of entry.

H.9: A Vet Certificate must be produced to the Secretary for any horse or pony being substituted. The substitution is required to meet stipulations and must be owned by the exhibitor in accordance with Condition H.2.
H.10: It is an offence for any electronic or audio equipment to be carried on a competitor in the show ring, deemed to be possible of outside assistance to a competitor. Penalties may include forfeiting all prize money, awards and qualifications and elimination from any further classes at that Show.
Those exhibitors requiring an aid for assistance during competition may apply to the Royal Agricultural Society for an identification card. RAS, PO Box 44, Oxford 7443, telephone 0225677551. Disabled competitors are welcome at the Show, however if you are on crutches or in a wheel chair or disabled in a way that limits your ability to control a horse the Canterbury A&P Association Horse Committee requires a plan to manage your horse to be received before 1st of September 2023 for review and approval. The purpose of this is to ensure the safety of all competitors and volunteers in the ring. The committee’s decision will be final and binding.
H.12: The use of tranquillisers, stimulants, or any substance which affects the performance of horses or ponies is forbidden.
H.13: Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show. Testing of all animals will be at the owner’s risk and will be carried out under CS procedures - RAS Equestrian Rules CS7 (2018)
H.14: By completing an entry and submitting this, and/or participation in competition, denotes acceptance of these conditions. - RAS Equestrian Rules for Affiliated Shows/Events, Competitors and Judges; CS (2018) Clean Sport.
H.15: Competitors must have their entries ready for judging at the times stated, or they will be liable to disqualification.
H.16: No distinguishing mark of ownership or stud name, with the exception of registered brands, may be attached to the animal exhibited or the handler.
H.17: No competitor, exhibitor or member of their family shall approach a judge with regard to a decision unless they first obtain the permission of the Show Convenor/Manager/Ring Master or Ring Steward the most senior of whom shall carry the decision on the day.
H.18: Horses must be presented for judging in the required manner.
H.19: For In Hand classes all stock to be led clockwise with the attendant on the near side. Attendants are requested to be suitably attired when parading horses in the ring. No-one under the age of 16 can lead a large animal.
H.20: All stallions when being led should be controlled by a colt bit with a single lead or a chain over the nose attached to a single lead, with the exception of foals, Miniature horses and Shetland pony yearlings. Stallions must be kept in their stables/horse box when not competing. Stallions must NOT be tied up to any trucks/floats/vehicles in any circumstances. No stallions/colts are permitted within the day parking area of the show ground parking.
It is compulsory for all stallions and colts except foals to wear two (2) Official identification ‘S’ badges; one on each side of the bridle. Riders/Handlers - must wear two (2) Official Stallion ID Arm Bands; one on each arm. The Rider/Handler and the attendant(s) must wear an Official ID ‘S’ Bib at all times outside the showing ring. This includes Donkey’s, Shetland’s and Miniatures.
In a warm up area a stallion must be accompanied by at least one attendant, in addition to the Rider/Handler at all times. Official sets of ‘S’ badges and Arm Bands are available from ESNZ. Official ID ‘S’ Bibs can be purchased from the Canterbury A&P Association at time of entry.
H.20c: Any committee member/staff/marshal/steward or CAPA representative will order any stallion/colt considered to be out of control or to be causing disquiet to other horses from the Ring/Marshalling areas or grounds without recourse from the stallion/colts owner/exhibitor/competitor.
H.21: YOUNGSTOCK - Exhibits 3 years of age and under are not permitted in ridden or driven classes.
H.22: At no time may horses or ponies be ridden outside the designated areas.
H.23: No change of rider will be allowed in any horse or pony classes after entering the ring for that class, except in exceptional cases when consent of the Judge or Chief Marshall must be obtained.
H.24: A horse or pony being eligible for a Championship must be ridden by the same rider as in the class or classes in which it qualified unless the permission of the Chief Horse Steward has been obtained. In the case of a rider qualifying more than one pony, a second rider may be found.
H.25: The age of the rider is taken as at 1st August this year. Riders on open ponies are to be under 17 years of age.
H.26: Judges are directed to award prizes only to Horses which they consider free from hereditary unsoundness.
H.27: In all Classes LATE COMERS will not be accepted into the Ring for judging.
H.28: RAS Certificate & Horse/Pony Classification must be presented before entering the ring.
The Ringmaster and the Convenor have the authority to refuse a competitor on the day if that combination is considered at risk of mishap if allowed to compete.
Horses/Ponies competing in the Renown Cup or the Canterbury Cup Mr Jinks Trophy & Canterbury Cup must have hunted three times in the current season. Competitors must be full financial members or employees of an affiliated Hunt. An official Hunt card signed by the Hunt Master MUST be carried and a copy be supplied with entries. Qualified ponies to be identified when entering the Canterbury Cup. The riders name must be nominated on the entry form at the time of entry.
H.30: In all Hunting events one baulk will disqualify.
H.31: A saddle must be provided for each horse, so that there may be no delay in starting.
H.32: Hunters must be ready to start when called and must run in catalogue order, unless by permission of the Chief Steward.
H.33: It shall be a direction to the Judge that in all Hunting events, style and manners are to be taken into consideration.
H.34: To show that they have their mounts under control, competitors in all Hunting events must at the conclusion of their round, pull up and face the Judge. Points will be scored for manners.
H.35: ESNZ Competitions: To be eligible, competitors and horses must be registered and current official ESNZ competitor form as well as horse registration stickers forwarded with entries. Marking will be according to the official rules of the Equestrian Sport NZ. ESNZ Identification Numbers must be worn. See Conditions in front of Showjumping and Dressage Sections.
H.36: MEASURING: Fees for Measuring, Life & Replacement Certificates
(a)    The following charges, inclusive of GST, shall apply nationwide for the measuring service however individual stands are entitled to charge additional operating costs. First Measure (either annual or youngstock) with issue of certificate - $40.00, Annual re-measure $25.00, Young stock re-measure
$15.00, Life Certificate $100.00 The fees will be split with 70% remaining with the measuring stand and 30% going to the RAS Head Office.
(b)    Replacement Certificate $100.00
All replacement certificates (lost certificates, change of horse/pony name etc.) must be issued from the RAS Head Office. The person seeking the replacement certificate must apply to the RAS Head Office for their replacement certificate and have received that certificate before taking the animal to the measuring stand for ongoing measured. Any replacement certificates issued directly from the measuring stand will be invalid. Cost for a replacement certificate may be reduced at the discretion of the RAS Head Office. The classification (section nominated) of a horse or pony must be made at the time of its first adult measure (from 1/8/15) or from the 1 August 2018 at the time the horse/pony is first registered prior to its first Measure (whichever occurred first) however, a change to this classification (section nominated) (with the exceptions listed in rule CDE 1 d) may be made by making application to RAS Head Office (download the application from the website Any subsequent changes will require a full submission with the final decision on granting further changes resting with the RAS Horse Stewards Council
H.37: There will be no measuring during the Show. The Canterbury A&P Association measurer cannot take responsibility if a horse is not measured before Show. All stock to be measured must be measured prior to 31 October and class changes notified immediately. The onus is on the exhibitor to enter the correct class.
H.38: Where height is a requirement of the Section, exhibitors must carry an official RAS Horse/Pony Certificate, failure to do so will result in elimination.
H.39: Horses/Ponies 3 years of age and under are deemed "Youngstock" and are not eligible for Annual Measures.  Young stock, 3 years of age and under, must have an RAS Horse/Pony Certificate dated no earlier than 1 August this year, which is eligible until 31st January. RAS Horse/Pony Certificates are only required where height is a requirement of the section.
H.40: All stock presented for measuring must be in a bridle or bit suitable for control.
H.41: Horses and Ponies must be measured by an Official Measurer and his decision shall be final. When shod, 0.5cm thickness of shoes allowed.
H.42: Young stock certificates issued by any Official RAS Measuring stand and issued by an official RAS Measurer in the current spring season will be accepted.
H.43: Central Districts Measuring Days:
Temuka/Geraldine A&P Showgrounds, Winchester   –  P: (03) 686 6614   E:[email protected] 2022.2023 Measuring Dates: TBA All measures by appointment only – Winchester Measuring Stand Facebook page or  Doug Hough M: 021 178 1895.

Ashburton A&P Showgrounds   –  P: (03) 308 7908   E: [email protected] 

Canterbury A&P Showgrounds, Christchurch   – Deane  0274356894 or Stu 0272837406.    2022.2023 Measuring Dates:  13 August – 9.00am to 12.00pm  /  17 September – 9am to 12pm / 8 October - 8.30am to 12.00pm / 14 November 4.00pm to 6.00pm

Rangiora Showgrounds, Rangiora  –  P: (03) 313 6945   E: [email protected]
2023.2024 Measuring Dates:  27 August  /  16 September  – 9am to 3pm both days

Amuri A&P Showgrounds, Rotherham –  P: 027 611 2463  Kathy Clyma

Marlborough A&P Showgrounds, Blenheim   –  Measuring by Appointment only – Bookings via Marlborough A&P Website –

Nelson A&P Showgrounds, Richmond   –  P: (03) 544 7181   E: [email protected]  
2023.2024 Measuring Dates: 6 August  /  3 September  /  1 October  2023 / 29 October  – 9am to 12pm;   There will be no measuring the night before the Show.   11 February 2024 – 10am to 12noon. All Bookings to be made via the Nelson A&P website –

Westland A&P Showgrounds, Hokitika  –  Sonya Shaw (03) 762 5252, 021 054 5315.   [email protected]

Ellesmere A&P Showgrounds, Leeston  –  27th August 1.00 - 3.00pm / 17th September 10.30am - 12.00pm then 1.00pm - 2.30pm / 3rd October 5.00pm - 7.00pm P: (03) 324 3807    E: [email protected]

Southern Canterbury A&P at Waimate Showgrounds, Waimate –  2022.2023 Measuring Dates: TBA  Enquiries – Judith Johnson 03 689 7775.

Buller A&P at Patterson Park Sports Complex, Westport – Contact Bev Thompson 03 789 8883 or email [email protected]
H.44 Applications for a special measuring should be made by prior arrangement only with Stuart Schroder Ph 03 322 7236. An extra charge of $10 will apply. Measuring stand will be open on Tuesday 14 November 4-6 pm.
H.45: Parking is available on a daily basis for local exhibitors’ trucks and cars with floats, with horses being able to be tied to floats in the designated area excluding Stallions (refer to H.24).
NB: Yards are available; no temporary yards are allowed to be erected.
H.46: Applications must be made at time of entry using application form in Schedule. Applications must also be received at the normal closing date from showjumping and dressage competitors.
H.47: Application must be restricted to a box for each horse exhibited. Boxes are not to be used for storing gear, feed etc. If a horse/pony is scratched the exhibitor must notify the horse box supervisor for the box to be reallocated.
H.48: Preference for boxes is given to Stallions, Colts, Brood Mares with Foals, Young stock, and exhibitors from a distance. Miniature stallions from a distance will receive consideration in box allocation for Option B (horse box form). Donkeys will not be allocated boxes. Stallion boxes must have sign denoting “STALLION” on outside of box. If a stallion cannot be stabled next to any other horses the onus is on the competitor to book and pay for two stables.
H.49: Exhibitors tying horses in alleyways of the Stable Complex will be liable to disqualification and asked to remove their horses from the Showgrounds.
H.50: The Association does not guarantee to provide horse accommodation as the number of boxes is limited. Exhibitors who are not allocated a box may obtain a refund on application to the Horse Office.
H.51: Boxes allocated to led stock, must be vacated and left clean by 6.00pm on the first day so that they can be reallocated to Exhibitors in other classes. Wet and soiled sawdust must be removed on vacating box. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to keep boxes and the area outside boxes clean and tidy. Exhibitors are asked to notify the steward at the Horse Office located next to the stables if box is not clean. Exhibitors WILL BE FINED at the cost of full hire incurred if stables are not left clean.
H.52: 1. Smoking is prohibited in and around the stable blocks. 2. Any person found smoking in or around the vicinity of the Horseboxes will be fined $1000.
H.53: Exhibitors who have booked a stable/yard are to enter off Curletts Road to designated unloading and parking areas. All other exhibitors enter off McMahon Drive to designated parking areas. Vehicles must have appropriate windscreen passes in place PRIOR to arrival or vehicles will be turned away. Parked vehicles will be policed for windscreen passes and those not displaying correct passes will be towed away without warning. Exhibitors must remove floats from unloading area beside horse boxes immediately after unloading is completed. No overnight/unattended vehicle parking in the Day Parking Area.
Parades are open to all competitors but prize winners must participate. Failure to parade may result in the exhibitor being fined for their prize money. Breastplate Numbers are to be worn in the Horse & Pony Parade (Wednesday) and the Ballantynes Grand Parade (Friday) as all prize winners will be checked at entry.
H.55: WEDNESDAY - Equestrian parade on Wednesday and all prize winners must participate. Stock may leave the grounds after the parade.
H.56: FRIDAY - Ballantynes Grand Parade - Prize winners from all classes on Friday and all Champions, Supremes and Special Class Award winners from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday must participate in the Ballantynes Grand Parade. All previous day’s prize winners are eligible to participate.
Champion and Reserve Champion will be selected as follows: First Prize winners in all eligible classes to be paraded before the Judge. Immediately after the Champion has been selected, the Second Prize animal from the class the Champion came from shall parade with the others for Reserve Champion.
H.58: Championships will only be awarded where there are at least 3 exhibitors, unless in the opinion of the Judge, an animal is deemed worthy of the award.
NZ Agricultural Show Prize Money will be scaled as follows:
1    entry    1st $30
2    entries    1st $30 2nd $20
3    entries    1st $30 2nd $20
4    entries    1st $30 2nd $20 3rd $15
All Prize Money will be paid within 21 days of the last day of the Show. Any prize winners that do not parade may be invoiced for their prize money.
Note that by entering into this confirmation we take this as acceptance that you understand that any prize money paid by CAPA to you, may depending on the amount and your individual circumstances, be regarded as income by the Inland Revenue in New Zealand and therefore subject to the payment of income tax.  It is your responsibility to take independent advice on this and to make such payment where required.  CAPA accepts no responsibility for the payment of any income tax obligations that may or may not arise from the payment of any such prize money to you.
H.60: Sponsorship of a section or a class may be paid in lieu of Association’s prize money and will not be additional. Sponsorships are subject to confirmation.
Product made available by sponsors may substitute for cash prizes.
H.61: Showing Section: Breastplate numbers (black on white or white on black only) only at this Show.
H.62: RTR Hunters & Working Hunters: Back numbers will not be provided for these sections - see RTR section for suitable suppliers. 
H.63: Show Farrier: The official Show Farrier can be located behind the Horse Office. Any exhibitor from the horse section may arrange for their own farrier to carry out work at their designated float/truck park. That farrier or any other, other than the Official Show Farrier, may not carry out any other work on the grounds during the Show.
H.64: HORSE SECRETARY’S OFFICE: Please make any scratchings or class alterations during the Show directly to the Horse Office, which is located in the Halswell Pony Club rooms.
H.65: No competitor or exhibitor or member of their family shall approach a Judge with regard to a decision unless they first obtain the permission of the Show Convenor/Manager/Ring Master or Ring Steward the most senior of whom shall carry the decision on the day.
H.66: NO DOGS are permitted on NZ Agricultural Showgrounds unless competing in dog trial section or the Terrier Race.
H.67: In-Line Resolution Process Policy as from June 2023 and outlined on the RAS website
Each exhibitor will be issued 2 x Horse Exhibitor Wristbands (each wristband is valid for entry for 1 person for 3 days).
Additional discounted day tickets can be purchased for $20 per day up to a limit of 6. Discounted tickets must be purchased prior to the Show.
Each exhibitor will be issued with 1 x Horse Exhibitor Parking Pass. 

Show More Details
Gypsy Cob Gypsy Cob In Hand

Entry Fees: Members $12, Non-members $28 (GST included)

Gypsy Cobs must be registered with the NZGCA and their owners current financial members

Exhibitors must check timetable in Catalogue for time changes and be ready to enter ring before their start time.

* Horse Pens are available close to the RDA Arena if required.
* Please book at time of entry.


Show More Details
Class 2432: Purebred Gypsy Cob, 4 years and over Entry Fee: $28.00 Location: Wednesday RDA Arena - Ring 2 Online Entry to this class is now closed. See you at the Show! Competitions Start from: 08:00 Prizes: 1st - $30, 2nd - $20, 3rd - $15